xbase is a Chrome extension that enhances Twitter bookmarks with features like instant search, tagging, note-taking, and keyboard shortcuts, making it easier to organize and access valuable Twitter content.


xbase is a Chrome extension that enhances Twitter bookmarks with features like instant search, tagging, note-taking, and keyboard shortcuts, making it easier to organize and access valuable Twitter content.


xbase - Twitter Bookmark Manager for Pros


  • Instant Search: Search through your bookmarks in milliseconds.
  • Powerful Tagging: Organize your bookmarks with tags for easy filtering and sorting.
  • Take Private Notes: Add your thoughts and key points directly on posts.
  • Keyboard Shortcuts: Navigate through Twitter posts quickly with keyboard shortcuts.
  • Improve Timeline: (Pro Feature) Filter your timeline for easier navigation.
  • AI Chat with Tweets: (Pro Feature - Coming Soon) Chat with tweets to gain insights.
  • Share Bookmark Lists: (Pro Feature - Coming Soon) Share lists with others.
  • Export Twitter Data: (Pro Feature - Coming Soon) Download your data for storage.
  • Connect Unlimited Twitter Accounts: (Pro Feature) Manage multiple Twitter accounts.


xbase is a Chrome extension that transforms your Twitter bookmarks into a powerful research and learning tool. It offers instant search, tagging, private notes, and keyboard shortcuts to make navigating and organizing Twitter content a breeze.


xbase aims to turn your Twitter feed into a "Second Brain" for knowledge and inspiration. By offering features like blazingly fast search, powerful tagging, and private note-taking, xbase enables users to capture and organize valuable insights from Twitter.

Whether you're a student, researcher, content creator, journalist, or writer, xbase provides the tools to efficiently track, organize, and revisit important Twitter threads, conversations, and information.

The platform offers both free and paid plans with varying features and benefits. The free plan provides essential features, while the paid "Pro" plan unlocks additional functionalities like timeline filtering, AI chat with tweets, bookmark list sharing, and unlimited account connections.

xbase distinguishes itself from other Twitter apps by storing data locally on your machine, resulting in significantly faster search speeds and affordable pricing.

With a 14-day free trial and a lifetime discount code, xbase makes it easy to experience the power of this innovative bookmark management tool.


Pricing Plans:

  • Basic: $8/month - Search in Bookmarks, Tag Tweets, Bookmark Manager, Notes on Post, Post Reminders, Connect 1 š¯•¸ Account
  • Pro: $12/month - Everything in Basic, plus Improve Timeline, AI Chat with Tweets (coming soon), Share Bookmark Lists (coming soon), Export Twitter Data (coming soon), Connect Unlimited š¯•¸ Accountss


XBase Best Application

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