CodebaseUp is a Next.js 14+ boilerplate designed to streamline web development by offering a modular, customizable codebase with essential features like authentication, database integration, and design system, saving developers over 150 hours of setup time.


CodebaseUp is a Next.js 14+ boilerplate designed to streamline web development by offering a modular, customizable codebase with essential features like authentication, database integration, and design system, saving developers over 150 hours of setup time.




  • Monorepo: Streamlines development with best practices, one-click tests, and library compatibility.
  • Next.js 14+ (App Router): Leverage React Server Components, route interception, and more.
  • Database: Quickly launch and share your cloud-based database using PostgreSQL and Prisma.
  • Authentication: Secure your application with popular services like Google and Magic Link authentication.
  • Design System: Use Radix UI, Tailwind CSS, and shadcn/ui for a streamlined development experience.
  • Internationalization: Translate your site into multiple languages.
  • Blog & Docs: Create content with MDX syntax and manage it with Contentlayer.
  • Emailing: Build and send emails at scale using Sendgrid and React Emails.
  • File Uploads: Securely store and access user files using AWS S3.
  • SEO: Optimize your site for search engines with Vercel metadata and Vercel OG.


CodebaseUp is a comprehensive Next.js 14+ boilerplate designed to accelerate web development. It provides pre-built modules and tools to handle essential tasks, saving you hundreds of hours of setup time.


CodebaseUp is a game-changer for developers looking to build web applications efficiently. This powerful Next.js 14+ (App Router) boilerplate comes packed with features that streamline development and eliminate the tedious setup process.

With CodebaseUp's modular design, you can pick and choose the features that best suit your project. Start with the core modules like Monorepo, Next.js, Database, and Authentication, or opt for the All-Inclusive package for a complete solution.

The platform boasts an extensive list of pre-integrated tools and libraries, including:

  • Turborepo: For efficient monorepo management.
  • Prisma: For seamless database interaction.
  • Auth.js (NextAuth.js): For secure authentication.
  • Radix UI: For a robust and customizable design system.
  • Tailwind CSS: For effortless styling.
  • Sendgrid: For powerful email management.
  • Contentlayer: For content management and documentation.

CodebaseUp's focus on simplicity and efficiency allows developers to focus on building innovative features rather than wrestling with setup. Its comprehensive documentation and community support ensure a smooth learning curve and constant assistance.

Beyond the core functionalities, CodebaseUp offers advanced features like Internationalization, Blog & Docs, File Uploads, SEO optimization, and more, making it suitable for projects of all sizes.

With CodebaseUp's lifetime updates, you're not just buying a product; you're investing in a long-term solution that keeps your development toolkit cutting-edge.


Pricing Plans:

  • Starter: Free - Monorepo, Next.js, Database, Authentication, Design system
  • All-inclusive: $199 - Monorepo, Next.js, Database, Authentication, Design system, Payments, Internationalization, Blog & Docs, Emailing, File uploads, SEO, Site analytics, Monitoring, Forms & Validations, Testing, Chrome extension, Community support


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