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BeamUsUp is a free SEO spider crawler that helps identify common SEO errors, such as broken links, duplicate content, and incorrect meta descriptions. It is a user-friendly tool that can be downloaded and run on Windows, Mac, and Linux.

Beam Us Up SEO Crawler

BeamUsUp is a free SEO spider crawler that helps identify common SEO errors, such as broken links, duplicate content, and incorrect meta descriptions. It is a user-friendly tool that can be downloaded and run on Windows, Mac, and Linux.


BeamUsUp Free SEO Spider Crawler


  • External Link Review
  • Redirect Tracking
  • Duplicate Content Finder
  • Error Detection
  • H1, H2 & H3 Checks
  • Meta Robots
  • XML Sitemap Review
  • Meta Description Check
  • Internal Links
  • Outbound Links
  • Anchor Text
  • Canonical Tags
  • Crawl Depth Analysis
  • Page Titles
  • Blocked URL Analysis
  • Meta Keywords
  • X-Robots-Tag


BeamUsUp is a free SEO crawler that helps you identify and fix technical SEO issues on your website. It's designed to be user-friendly and provides actionable results.


BeamUsUp is a completely free, no-limits SEO spider crawler that is easy to use and provides automatic error detection. It works on Windows, Mac, and Linux.

The crawler offers a comprehensive suite of features for analyzing your website, including:

  • External Link Review: Analyzes all external links and checks their status.
  • Redirect Tracking: Monitors both permanent and temporary redirects.
  • Duplicate Content Finder: Helps you find and manage duplicate pages.
  • Error Detection: Identifies broken links, server issues, and client errors.
  • Meta Robots: Checks for indexing and follow directives.
  • XML Sitemap Review: Crawls sitemaps and identifies missing URLs.
  • Meta Description Check: Evaluates meta descriptions for length and duplication.
  • Internal Links: Assesses internal links, anchor text, and follow/nofollow attributes.
  • Outbound Links: Reviews outbound links to ensure they are relevant and high-quality.
  • Anchor Text: Analyzes anchor text for descriptive relevance.
  • Canonical Tags: Shows all canonical tags and missing tags.
  • Crawl Depth Analysis: Determines how deep URLs are within your site's architecture.
  • Page Titles: Checks for issues with page titles, such as duplicates and length.
  • Blocked URL Analysis: Audits URLs that are disallowed from being crawled.
  • Meta Keywords: Checks for meta keywords, though they are not used by major search engines.
  • X-Robots-Tag: Checks X-Robots tags for indexing and crawling directives.

While BeamUsUp may not be as powerful as paid tools like ScreamingFrog or NetPeak, it provides the same actionable results for free. Its ease of use makes it a great option for website owners and even professionals. You can download BeamUsUp for free on your computer and start your SEO crawl today!

This website also offers additional free SEO and analytics tools, including:

  • .htaccess Generator: A simple and easy-to-use generator for creating .htaccess files.
  • Analytics A/B Test Percentage Change Calculator: Helps you analyze data from conversion rate optimization software like Visual Website Optimizer and Optimizely.
  • Chrome Google Analytics Percentage Highlighter: A Chrome extension that adds back the percentage change highlighting feature to Google Analytics.


Pricing Plans:

  • Free Plan: Free - All features of the tool


Beam Us Up SEO Crawler Best Application

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